Lakshmana Temple

khajuraho lakshmana temple

Khajuraho Lakshmana Temple

Khajuraho Lakshmana Temple, a Sandhara Temple of the Panchayatan variety, stands on a high platform and consists of an entrance porch, mandapa, maha mandapa, antrala and garbhagriha.

khajuraho lakshmana temple
Lakshmana Temple

khajuraho lakshmana temple
Lakshmana Temple

Although Khajuraho is known for its erotic sculptures, it is important to note that these represent less than 10% of the total sculptures.

khajuraho lakshmana temple

Several hypotheses are out there which try to explain the presence erotic sculpture amongst religious art.

khajuraho temples

One hypothesis states that these figures were designed to test the spiritual strength of the yogis.

khajuraho temples

khajuraho temples

Erotic symbolism is in prevalent in the art works of Hinduism, Budhism and Jainism.

khajuraho temples

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