Thanedar : Paramjyoti Mandir, Harmony Hall & Saroga Forest

thanedar himachal pradesh


Thanedar, a tiny hamlet NE if Narkanda, is the epicenter of the apple-farming revolution in India.

Paramjyoti Mandir

The Paramjyoti Mandir, located on the way to Harmony Hall, was built by Stokes in 1937.

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View of Paramjyoti Mandir on the way to Harmony Hall

There are no idols in this temple. There is a hawan kund and a painting of ‘Krishna and Arjuna’ in the inner sanctum.

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Paramjyoti Mandir

The temple is made of gray stone and Burma teak.

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Temple Porch

The walls have been embellished with verses from the Gita. Hence this temple is locally known as Gita Temple.

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Verses from the Gita

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Savita Aur Gita

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Taking a break on the Porch

Harmony Hall

Samuel Stokes, who came to India on a spiritual quest, ended up providing financial freedom to the locals by changing the way apple farming was done in Himchal Pradesh.

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Vote for Madame Stokes!

Many of his descendants have now moved back to the US. Madame Stokes, one of the descendants who stayed back, is an active Congress politician.

From the school playground, near the bazaar, a path leads up to Harmony Hall (Stokes Residence).

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Path leading to Harmony Hall

The Harmony Hall, built by Stokes in 1912, has an unique architecture with elements from the local pahadi architecture mixed with those from the West. It was named after his ancestral home in New Jersey.

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Harmony Hall

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Deserted building next to Harmony Hall – It looked like an abandoned school.

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View of Banjara Orchard Retreat from Barobag

On most days, Thakur Saheb, the amiable host of Banjara’s Orchard Retreat (Thanedar), takes his guests on a nature walk through the Saraoga Forest.

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On the way to Saroga Forest
Background: Vaibhav, Mahima, and Thakur Saheb

This walk is highly recommended to anyone visiting Thanedar since he helps you identify the local flora and when things get too “botany”, Thakur Saheb keeps the cheer up with anecdotes from his hospitality career.

thanedar himachal pradesh
Apple Tree

Bordeaux mixture (blue in color) is a mix of copper sulphate and hydrated lime used as a fungicide in vineyards and apple orchards. It is used to control fungi infestations.

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Retro Apple Tree – Tree wounds are covered with the Bordeaux Mix

Pollinating varieties in Apples are sour in taste and as a result not popular in India (We like it sweet!). Hence to reduce the need for pollinating varieties, local farmers hang bottles of pollinating variety twigs immersed in water amongst the sweet (non-pollinating) varieties.

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Himachali Jugad to reduce the number of pollinating varieties on the farm

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Wild roses

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Free range sheeps grazing away in the morning sun

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Ireland’s National Flower

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During hail storms, apple trees are covered with nets to prevent excessive damage to the fruits.

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View of Harmony Hall with the apple orchards covered with nets

Spruce Trees are large trees, distinguished by their whorled branches and conical forms.

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Pines are coniferous trees. Regular Pines have needles (leaves) in bundles of three. Blue Pines have theirs in bundles of five.

thanedar himachal pradesh

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View of the Sutlej River



Holly leaves are used for making Xmas wreaths. The berries are highly toxic and a dose of 20 could be fatal.

holly plant
Holly Plant

texas himalaya
Texas Himalaya – apparently these can cure certain forms of cancer

horse chestnut
Horse Chestnut

thanedar himachal pradesh
After effects of last year’s fire

Apricot Tree

2 Responses to Thanedar : Paramjyoti Mandir, Harmony Hall & Saroga Forest

  1. Aju Mathew September 14, 2010 at 10:46 pm #

    Nice photographs….

  2. Madhu September 14, 2010 at 11:08 pm #

    Thanks a lot, Aju.
    Welcome to our blog !

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